Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

Nokia N97

Inilah ponsel multimedia Nokia paling barudan paling komplit. Disain side slide ponsel ini serupa PDA Phone.Apalagi dilengkapi keyboardfull QWERTY plus teknologi touchscreendi layar berkekuatan 16 juta warna, seluas3m 5 inci. Resolusi LCD - nya pun tak lazim,yakni 360x640 piksel. Cukup luas dan jernih.
Sebagai smartphone, sistem operasi Symbian versi terbaru yaitu v9.4, series 60 rel. 5 , jadi otak utama penggerak deluruh aktifitas. Mulai dari urusanbrowsimg internet via konrksi Wifi, tracking dengan bantuan GPS dan juga kompas digital yang dilengkapi Nokia Maps terbaru, hingga memanfaatkan kamera 5 magapixelsebagai sarana fotografi. Nokia N97 juga yelah disuntikan teknologi accelerometer untuk rotasi layar secara otomatis, serta proxymity sensor untuk mematikan telepon/ nada panggil hanya dengan membalikkan ponsel.
Sama seperti kemampuan yang dimiliki Nokia 5800 XpressMusik. Untuk fasilitas lain, N97 juga dibekali memory internal sebesar 32GB plus slot kartu microSD, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g.Upnp teknologi, bluetooth, document viewer, FlashLite 3.3.5 mm audio jack. TV-out dan fm radio with RDS. Rencananya, Nokia N97 baru akan dipasarkan kuartal ll 2009 dengan estimasi harga sekitar 550 Euro. 

Rabu, 10 Desember 2008


Admining the grandeur of Borobudur at day and seeing details ofeach statue and stones with
relief of the cunstructors is some thing that people from around the world are longing to do.
However, not many people realize that Borobudur also has other unique view,  namely the
scenery of the beautiful rising sun that blows the statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged at the
peak of the temple that was constructed in the minth century.

If you never experience it before, trying to color the coming of the new life in the beginning
of the year will become an unforgettable experience. The rising sun with its bright light will
at least encourage you to live the life one year a head, and for sure it becomes a remembrance that wisdom or nirvana symbolized

by the peak of this temple is the main destination of your life.

In order to enjoy the scenery of the sunrise, you can stay at Manohara hotel in

the complex of Borobudur temple since evening. Alternatively, you may join

Borobudur Sunrise package offered by some tour agencies. Otherwise, you will not

be able to enter the temple complex and you will miss the sunrise, since the

entrance gate of this tourism object is only open at around 07:30a.m.

If you stay at Maonhara, you can start climbing Borobodur temple at any time to

enjoy the sunrise. However, hotel management and some tour agencies usually lead

you to go to the peak of Borobodur at 03:00 a.m. in order for you to have enough

time to reach the peak on foot and you do not have to wait too long for the

sunrise. The rise of the sun can usually be enjoyed at around 05:00a.m. It

suggested that you wear your coat to expel the cold weather and to bring

flashlight for lighting.

Once the sky in the east begins to shine, you are ready to see the movement of

the sunrise. Once the reddish yellow light emerges, it means dawn has come in

the peak of Borobudur symbolizing nirvana. Uniqueness of watching sunrise in

Borobodur is that the sun seems to emerge in between two mountains, namely

Merapi as one of the most active mountains in the world and Merbabu that is

often said to be its twin.

When Merapi is active and the fog does not cover it, you will be able to see

glowing magma pouring out of the mountain directing to the upper reaches of

Krasak River. The bright red color of magma will look so bright in contrast with

the dark sky. Last January 2006, tens of tourists enjoyed this view and during

the increased activity of Merapi lately, you have the opportunity to enjoy it.

Another scenery that is not less interesting is the villages around Borobudur

that you will see when looking down. Agriculture and culture that currently are

living in those villages will help you imagine the condition of the villages

around the temple during the construction of this temple. If thick fog covers

your view, you can still see tall, green trees emerge from the surface of the

fog. The movement of the rising sun can also be observed from the light intense

blowing the Buddha statue. The higher the sun, the brighter the Buddha statue

will look, changing its black color to bright gray. If you take quite good

camera to take pictures, you can record the moment when the light of the sun

begins to blow Buddha statue and make part of the statue brighter compared to

other part.

When the sun begins to burn your skin, it signals that you should descend the

temple. However, you need not worry, you can still walk around the villages

around Borobudur temple that previously was only seen from the top. Some

villages are determined to become tourism village. You can see the activities of

people such as farming, producing potteries, sculpturing statues and others.

Your presence in the villages at least brings hopes for local people currently

that live more difficult life.


Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Bekerja memang menjemukan

Itu bisa saja terjadi jika kita tidak bisa bekerja sama dalam suatu pekerjaan.
Kita akan merasa sendiri meskipun kita berada dalam komunitas yang besar.
Dan jangan lupa bukankah kita ini makhluk sosial, dalam arti kita
membutuhkan orang lain dalam bersosialisasi di kehidupan bermasyarakat.
Kita tidak bisa bersikap egois dalam bekerja. biar bagaimanapun kita butuh
oeang lain sebagai tim.
    Sebagai contoh dalam sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang
penjualan. Disitu sudah pasti ada bagian /divisi yang saling terkait. Antara
lain manajemen gudang marketing atau sales, angkutan. marketing bertugas
menawarkan produk ke konsumen,   setelah mendapatkan pasar atau
konsumen, mereka memberikan datanya pada kantor atau manajemen.
Selanjutnya pihak manajemen membuat daftar permintaan barang dari agen
atau toko untuk diserahkan pada Divisi gudang. Setelah mendapatkan daftar
Delivery Order , tugas mereka adalah menyiapkan barang barang  yang akan
dikirim sesuai DO.
          Selanjutnya tugas divisi angkutan untuk memuat barang barang yang sudah
disiapkan, untuk dikirim kepasar sesuai permintaan. Setelah itu tugas sales
mengumpulkan atau menagih uang penjualan untuk dilaporkan dan disetorkan
ke pihak keuangan perusahaan.
       Demikian kerjasama antar Divisi dalam suatu perusahaan dalam bidang jasa
penjualan, yang tidak mungkin kita kerjakan sendiri sebagai individu.Melainkan
kerjasama antar karyawan sebagai sebuah Tim.